School is OPEN today - Monday 13th January

Summer 1 2024 For translation

Newsletter Summer 1 2024


Dear Parents and Carers,

As you can see we have had a really busy term in school. We have had visits, visitors and lots of work done to our outside areas too. I think you will all agree that it is all starting to look lovely! We have lots more ideas to improve our grounds and the children will all be involved. SATs also took place in Year 6 and we are all incredibly proud of how hard the children worked up to and during their tests. Well done Year 6!

Another aspect that we are all very excited about is the work being undertaken by one of our parents, Ms Hughes. Ms Hughes has taken on the wonderful job of researching the history of Cathcart Street Primary School and has already uncovered lots of interesting facts. I personally can't wait to read it all when she has finished. I know that lots of you, and your parents and grandparents, are past pupils of the school so if you have any photos or memories that you would like to share please email any to the school office. Our Site Manager, Mr Williams, has a personal link to Cathcart as his Grandfather attended here in the early 1900s and we even have copies of his reports! We will keep you informed as we find out more facts.

As always I'd like to thank you all for your support and hope you all have a relaxing half term break

Take care,

Mrs Smith



Parent Governor Vacancy

If you are interested in being a parent governor and would like some information then please contact the school office for details.



We have been asking local companies if they are willing to donate products or money  to the school to help us improve our out door area.

We would like to say a really big thank you to the following companies for their very generous donations.


EA Technology

Atlas Fire and Security

FM Assist

Jeanne Fairbrother

Hays Agency

Academy Photos

Tranmere rovers

Engineering College


Gary Devaney (Governor)



Well done to Foundation 2 for 98% attendance this term.

Please be reminded that it is your responsibility to contact school each day your child is absent, if you do not contact school an unauthorised mark will be given.

We will continue  to track and monitor your attendance and punctuality and will support you in any way we can.  Informal chats about attendance and punctuality may take place at drop off or pick up times.

We expect all children to be in school on time at 8.55am.

2 year old provision starts at 12.30pm via the Foundation gates.




F1 have been finding objects with the same initial sound e.g. bread/broccoli and banana/bells

F1 went on a Spring walk to see the new life growing on the trees. The blossom tree at the front of school is looking particularly beautiful.


YEARS 3, 4 and 5

United Utilities came into school and presented a Science assembly for Years 3, 4 and 5. The pupils learned about where water is situated on the planet including frozen water in the arctic areas. The pupils observed what happened when dry ice is mixed with warm water. The pupils then learned about the Water Cycle and how this cycle repeats and has done for thousands of years.



Meeting with Antarctica

Year 6 have been learning about the extraordinary journey of Ernest Shackleton and his crew as they tried to venture across Antarctica. We have been learning about their ship, the Endurance, and how the crew miraculously survived after their ship went down. To learn more about the dangers of Antarctica, we took part in a live event with some scientists in Antarctica, where we were able to ask them questions.



3 Year 6 children, Miss Sheridan and Mr Smale spent the night at Goodison Park as part of a ‘Homelessness Awareness’ event. They spent the evening playing games with Connor and the Everton staff, as well as watching them play Luton. They then used carboard, blankets and their sleeping bags to bed down between the seats at the Park End side. It was good weather and we didn’t get cold at all – even if it was a little uncomfortable!


ECO club - Hedgehog friendly school status

The ECO club are currently working towards becoming a hedgehog friendly school and have added hedgehog tunnels to the school grounds to see if we have any of our friendly hedgehogs passing through.



Some of the ECO club took part in a fantastic day of activities in Ness Gardens where they chopped down bamboo using a real ‘pull saw’ and the made lanterns from willow that can be hung outdoors.