Welcome To Our New Website!

Year 6

SUMMER TERM 1 - 2024

It's Summer Term 1

There are only 4 weeks until you sit your SATs now and it is more important than ever that you complete all homework activities, use the learning links on the class page and pay attention in class, trying your best.

Below, you will find some very important information and links for Summer 1



Monday – Reading records to be handed in, then checked for home reading (4x a week).

 Also, PE is on Monday, so don't forget your kit!!

Friday – You will complete your spelling test and new spellings will be handed out.

You will also be given 2 pieces of work which must be completed for the following Wednesday. 


 Overall, it is important to say that we are always here to help, so come and find us if you need anything at all!

Here’s to a happy and successful half term!

Miss Sheridan & Mrs Alderson

Here are some important websites you will need access to during the term:

Hit the Button 

TT Rock Stars

Bug Club

Language Angels



During this half term, the children will be developing their writing through reading and exploring a book called 'Shackleton's Journey'.

Shackleton's Journey is a unique visual re-telling Ernest Shackleton's landmark expedition crossing the Antarctic from one pole to the other. William Grill's impeccably researched and informative illustrations celebrate the 100th anniversary since the historic exploration by Shackleton and his crew on Endurance. Children will love exploring Grill's exploded diagrams and the fascinating details of this landmark voyage.

In Shared Reading, we are using a range of books, as part of the 'Steps to Read' programme.
Our Class Reader, as voted for by the class children, will be ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell.
From his seat in the tiny aeroplane, Fred watches as the mysteries of the Amazon jungle pass by below him. He has always dreamed of becoming an explorer, of making history and of reading his name amongst the lists of great discoveries. If only he could land and look about him.

As the plane crashes into the canopy, Fred is suddenly left without a choice. He and the three other children may be alive, but the jungle is a vast, untamed place. With no hope of rescue, the chance of getting home feels impossibly small.

Except, it seems, someone has been there before them…

During this half term you will be completing activities covering all areas of maths s you prepare for SATs. Our White Rose Maths learning will be a focus on Geometry.

If you would like to do some pre-learning, please follow these links:


Measuring Angles

Rocket Angles

Reflect & Rotate

Identify Coordinates

Translation Games


  Year 6 will be focusing on History this half term, the focus being 'A Magical History Tour of Liverpool’. We will explore the history of Liverpool from the initial settlement around the Mersey to the present day.


Britannica - History of Liverpool

Kiddle - History of Liverpool

Kidz Search - Liverpool

Academic Kids - Liverpool


 Our Science theme this term is ‘Living Things & Their Habitats’. In this unit, children will investigate how living creatures are classified according to their various characteristics.   

Here are some great websites where you can do some home research activities:


Britannica Kids - Classification

Ducksters - Classification

National Geographic Kids - Classification

Kiddle - Taxonomy


REMEMBER - PE is every Monday afternoon. This half term, we are covering Athletics and so you will need the correct outdoor PE kit:

-White t-shirt 

-Warm school jumper/black or blue hoodie

- Black Shorts/tracksuit pants/leggings 

- Black trainers

Remember - No labels or insignias

Forest School will not take place in the first 5 weeks of this term in order to use that time for SATs preparation and revision Forest Schools will return after the SATs assessments have taken place.
Miss L Sheridan
Mrs K Alderson