School is OPEN today - Monday 13th January

Safeguarding Information for Parents

Safeguarding Children

At Cathcart Street we recognise that because of the day to day contact with children, school staff are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. 

The school will therefore:

  • Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.
  • Ensure children know that there are adults in school whom they can approach if they are worried.
  • Include opportunities in the Personal Social Health Education curriculum for children to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse.

We follow the procedures set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board and take account of the guidance issued by the Department for Education and Skills. 

  • We practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children.
  • We develop and implement procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases of abuse.
  • We support pupils who have been abused in accordance with an agreed individual child protection plan.
  • We have a designated senior person for child protection who has received appropriate training and support for this role.
  • We have a nominated governor responsible for child protection.
  • We ensure that every member of staff (including temporary and supply staff and volunteers) and governing body knows the name of the designated person responsible for child protection and their role.
  • We ensure that all staff and volunteers understand their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of abuse and responsibility for referring any concerns to the designated senior person responsible for child protection.
  • We notify social services if there is an unexplained absence of more than two days of a pupil who is on the child protection register.
  • We have effective links with relevant agencies and co-operate as required with their enquiries regarding child protection matters.
  • We keep written records of concerns about children.

We recognise that children who are abused or witness violence may find it difficult to develop a sense of self worth.  When at school their behaviour may be challenging and defiant or they may be withdrawn.  Through the content of the curriculum, the school ethos, behaviour policy and liaison with other agencies the school will endeavour to support the pupil.

This section in the school brochure sets out the responsibility placed on the school and staff for child protection, and endeavours to ensure that parents have an understanding of commitment to the safeguarding of children.

Safeguarding Procedures 

The procedures below should be read in conjunction with the school’s Child Protection Policy. Copies of the policy are located on the staff room PC, with the Headteacher and published on the school website.

In addition to our statutory duty for child protection, at Cathcart Street Primary School we recognise our pastoral responsibility towards our pupils and that all pupils have a fundamental right to be protected from harm.

All staff should be alert to signs of abuse and know to whom they should report any concerns or suspicions.  The following procedure must be followed.

At Cathcart Street Primary School, the designated member of staff responsible for child protection, including child sexual exploitation, is:

Mrs Lindsay Smith - Headteacher

In the event of the Headteacher’s absence, two other persons are available for support (although the principal task in the event of any child protection issue arising will be to contact and inform the Headteacher).  The two persons are:

Mrs Catherine Hughes - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Jo Maillet - Family Engagement Lead

The Local Authority Designated Officer for Safeguarding is Pamela Cope.  She should be contacted by the senior member of staff should the Headteacher be unavailable and a serious incident occur. Pamela Cope’s contact details are as follows:

Tel: 07748 873 560


If an incident or disclosure is within the context of Child Protection, ‘Child Protection’ Forms are used appropriately and a referral to the Child Protection Coordinator be made immediately, or in their absence one of those named next in line of responsibility.

The teacher responsible for E-Safety is:

Mr Fraser Smale – Teacher

The Safeguarding Governor is:

Mr Russell Biggs