Welcome To Our New Website!

Year 2



Summer 1 – 2024

Welcome back year 2!

We hope you had a lovely break and we are looking forward to seeing you again.

PE is on a Tuesday this half term. The children will need to come into school in their PE kit and please remove any earrings at home.

This half term our topic is Athletics. The children will practise skills such as jumping and throwing. They will use agility and these skills to participate in a range of activities and games.


We will be having a big focus on reading this year. The children will have daily phonics lessons where they will build on their phonic knowledge. During these lessons they will read a book matched to their phonics group.

Shared reading

For our shared reading we will focus on the following texts:

  • It starts with a seed
  • The Flower
  • The Wolf's Story
  • Revolting Rhymes
  • The Three Little Wolves
  • The true story of The Three Little Pigs!
During these lessons we will learn reading strategies and skills, comprehension skills, vocabulary and how to refer to the text.
Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested on the Friday that week unless there is a Bank Holiday and then they will be given out on the Tuesday.
Homework will be given out on a Monday and expected back the following Monday unless it is a Bank Holiday then it will be given out on the Tuesday.
Our text this term will be The King Who Banned the Dark by Emily Haworth-Booth. We will use this text to produce our own Persuasive Letter and Banning Narrative.
For maths this half term we will be starting our topic on Fractions. The children will be learning to recognise and find halves, quarters and thrirds of shapes and numbers. We will also be learning how to tell the time. They will learn to read o'clock, half past and quarter past and to. The children will also tell the time in increments of 5 minutes both past and to the hour. 
Pupils will be given a Numbots login which will be placed inside the cover of their reading logs. Children can access this in school and at home to play maths games and unlock new levels.
This half term we will be learning about different materials and their properties. The children will identfiy some different materials and discuss why they are used for a certain purpose. The children will learn the meaning of absorbent and waterproof and invesigate a range of materials to find these properties. 
Our topic this half-term is Modern Britons. The children will learn about the lives of Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Kitty Wilkinson and the impact that their achievements have had on modern day hospitals.
Thank you 
Mrs Metcalf


Mrs Metcalf

Year 2 Teacher

Ms Harris

Year 2 Teaching Assistant