School is OPEN today - Monday 13th January


Science has changed our lives and it is vital for the world’s prosperity.


Science Vision

At Cathcart Street we aim to teach science to stimulate the minds of our pupils, encourage curiosity to give them a deeper understanding of the world.



At Cathcart Street our science curriculum aims to provide our pupils with the foundations to help them understand the world and encourage our pupils to be inquisitive learners throughout their time in our school and beyond.  We aim to distil a lifelong love of science for our pupils.

Our science curriculum aims to provide pupils with the acquisition of scientific knowledge, concepts and skills that promotes their curiosity in the world around them. Pupils are taught to develop key scientific knowledge that has been identified within each unit of learning across each year group with enquiry skills embedded throughout; observing over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing and research using secondary sources. Working scientifically is built on and developed so that pupils can apply their knowledge of science when using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts.

As part of our language rich curriculum, key scientific vocabulary is taught so that over time pupils become familiar with and use words to explain their understanding. Each class will develop an age appropriate growing bank of words to support knowledge, skills and explanation.


Teachers create a positive attitude to science learning in their classrooms by positively promoting practical investigative learning opportunities for all pupils and through actively engaging pupils in scientific discussions. The use of ‘Explorify’ helps to inspire curiosity, develop thinking and reasoning and support enquiry.

Science will be taught in arranged topic blocks by the class teacher which is linked to the National Curriculum year group expectations. Working scientifically is embedded within each topic to ensure skills are being developed. Using ‘Science Bug’ resources, topics of learning will build upon the learning and skill development of the previous year. Teachers demonstrate the various scientific skills in order to embed scientific understanding and how to use scientific equipment safely.

Enrichment learning opportunities such as trips and visitors are also sought to enhance experiences and deepen knowledge thorough application of skills to other contexts e.g. Think Forensic to demonstrate to pupils how science is used in real life crime scenes to solve cases.

Assessment for learning involves questioning to elicit understanding, conceptual knowledge and skills and feedback given directly to the pupils.


Progress in science is measured over time and not necessarily on individual lessons and can be demonstrated in pupils knowing and remembering more from the curriculum. Throughout the year key content is reinforced through quizzes, pupil voices and teacher’s feedback and discussion.

Through enrichment opportunities pupils have an understanding that science has changed lives and they have learned that there are a range of other possibilities for careers in science that will make them curious and active citizens of the future.