School is OPEN today - Monday 13th January


Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage at Cathcart Street Primary School.
We are pleased to say that we are able to offer morning sessions for our Little Explorers (2-3 year olds) and Nursery (3-4 Year Olds) alongside our Reception class. Our dedicated team works together to provide our children with a seamless transition through their early start in education.
Here at Cathcart Street's EYFS we believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. We aim to promote independence and a love of learning through child centred, play based learning that meets each child at their point of need. Our learning environments support each child though high quality provision and adult interactions using an objective lead and communication focussed approach to learning.
Joining Cathcart
If you would like your child to join our EYFS please find information below. We happily welcome prospective families to visit school and see our classes in action. 
To arrange a visit please contact the school office via telephone or email. 
Telephone number: 0151-647-7349
Email address:
Here at Cathcart Street, we use the Birth to 5 framework to support our EYFS curriculum. This supports our children in making the many small steps needed to make huge strides in their learning. 
We start our EYFS learning journey in our 2 Year Old provision and follow a challenging and progressive curriculum through to the end of Reception and into Year 1. Our curriculum, alongside providing our children a range of life experiences, gives our children the support and challenge they need to progress and achieve their full potential regardless of their starting points.
Please see individual Long Term Plans and Half Termly Overviews on each class' individual page.
Polite Notice
Our EYFS team are continuously working hard to update our EYFS curriculum and provision and will update the website as often as we can.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we can help you as much as we can.
Thank you,
Miss Compton (EYFS Lead)