School is OPEN today - Monday 13th January




A very warm welcome to all our Nursery children, families and prospective families.


Here at Cathcart Street Primary School, we offer a morning session of 8.50am – 11.50am for any child who has turned 3. 

The room is self-contained and shares it's entrance and outdoor area with Reception. The children love to learn and play with the older children outside but also enjoy engaging in learning experiences specifically set up for Nursery inside. 

In our Nursery class we focus upon the Prime Areas of learning which are; Communication and Language, Personal Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development whilst developing the Specific areas of learning. We do this through a number of short focussed adult led lessons, child centred play and provision and high quality adult interactions. Our children develop independence, curiosity and enthusiasm for learning to support them on their learning journey. 

In our classroom and outdoor area we learn and explore through a range of experiences and learning opportunities. Our classroom and outdoor areas include:

  • Water
  • Sand
  • Reading area
  • Writing/mark making area
  • Construction area
  • Role play area
  • Small world area


Please meet our Nursery team:

Mrs Brierley

Nursery Teacher

Ms Maloney


Take a look at the Long Term Plan and Half Termly Overview for our Nursery class.
If you have any questions as to how to help your child at home, please don't hesitate to ask.