School is OPEN today - Monday 13th January




At Cathcart Street, we want our pupils of all ages to develop their ability to calculate, reason and solve problems. We aim to give our pupils the mathematical skills to become mathematical thinkers by developing an enjoyment and curiosity in the subject.



At Cathcart Street, we recognise how mathematics has an essential part to play in everyday life and future employment. We aim to provide a bespoke curriculum to suit the needs of all our pupils. Our curriculum has been developed in small steps of learning by drawing on different sources including: White Rose Maths materials, NCETM Mastering Number resources and discussions with a Primary Maths Consultant. Early Years - nursery and the two year olds we follow the Birth to 5 Matters Guidance and have mapped a progression of skills linked to this guidance in number, shape, space and measure. Our ever-evolving steps are designed to support a mastery approach to teaching and learning as well as supporting the aims of the National Curriculum so that all pupils:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.
  • Reason mathematically.
  • Can solve problems by applying their maths.             (National Curriculum, 2014)


At Cathcart Street, we use White Rose Maths materials from reception (Foundation 2) to Year 6 to ensure that our pupils follow a sequential programme of study which build small steps of progress over time to master maths. The resources have been written in line with the Ready-to-Progress NCETM materials for teaching mathematics.

Key Learning Objectives have been mapped out so that children will learn each year to ensure progression and mastery. Our approach is all underpinned by the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract model with problem solving and reasoning at every stage. We use the White Rose Maths materials to meet these key learning objectives. Teachers use White Rose Maths materials as a springboard when planning to meet the needs of their own classes and adapting planning and learning through:

  • Precise questioning to assess knowledge and understanding or extend thinking.
  • Effective use of manipulatives in each lesson to scaffold and demonstrate learning.


Lessons are taught with a balance of work class work, group work, practical tasks and individual practice to encourage mathematical talk, support and independence.


In Key Stage 1, the Mastering Number programme is taught to help pupils develop, secure and fluently recall number facts.

Key Stage 2, access and engage in TT Rockstars to secure and increase times tables and division facts.

In Early Years Foundation Stage, we relate the mathematical aspects of children’s work to the Birth to 5 Matters programme and the Early Learning Goals.  EYFS Reception also engage in White Rose Maths materials in their learning environments.



By implementing the intent, children at Cathcart Street should:

  • Be fluent in the fundamentals of maths and be able to apply this knowledge quickly and accurately.
  • Solve problems by applying their maths skills to a range of problems including cross-curricular learning so that pupils recognise the role of maths in different contexts.
  • Reason mathematically and be able to justify and prove their thinking with appropriate vocabulary and explanations.
  • Perform mental calculations and written procedures effectively and fluently.