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Headteacher Start Date

Dear Parents and Carers

I am delighted to inform you that arrangements have now been made for our new Headteacher, Mrs Smith, to start her new role later this week.  Mrs Smith will initially be taking on the Headteacher role part time and will be in school on a Thursday and a Friday.  Mrs Hughes will continue as Acting Headteacher Monday to Wednesday. 

This is an excellent opportunity for Mrs Smith to get to know the children and families at Cathcart together with creating links with the local community.  It will also enable her to work closely with Mrs Hughes and the rest of the Cathcart team so that plans can be put into place for the forthcoming academic year.

I hope that you will all join me in extending a warm welcome to Mrs Smith in her new role at Cathcart and on behalf of the Governing Body I would like to thank Mrs Hughes and the team at school for all their hard work during an extremely unsettling time at Cathcart.

I am sure that Mrs Smith will look forward to meeting you all over the coming months.

Kind regards

Julie Merry
Chair of Governors