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Text Messaging

Launch of School Texting Service

 On Monday 6th February we will be launching a new texting service to share key information with parents/carers.  We hope that this facility will enhance our communication with you and further improve parental engagement with the school.

The texting facility will be used to:

  • Send reminders of key events and dates e.g. parents evenings, after school clubs etc
  • Inform you of a decision regarding any emergency school closure
  • Inform you when letters and important information is uploaded to our website
  • Contact you in the event that your child is absent from school without a reason
  • Reporting punctuality levels


We request that parents continue to make first contact with the school to advise of your child’s absence by telephoning the absence line on 0151-647-7349 (option 1).   Once the registers have been taken at 9.30am, if we have not heard from you with a reason for your child’s absence, a text message will be sent. If we have still not received contact from you by 10.30am, we will telephone to ascertain a reason for your child’s absence

It is important to remember to sign your child in using the electronic system at the school entrance if your child is late for any reason. This will prevent a text message being sent and avoid worrying you unnecessarily.

The system is programmed to text the parent or carer identified as priority number 1 in the contacts list.  If you receive a message that would be more beneficial to someone else, please forward the message on.  Please let us know if you need to update your number and remember to keep all your contacts up to date. 

We will be able to receive text messages which will be communicated directly to the school office but only from the ‘priority 1’ contact. Messages from all other mobile phones will not get through.  We request that texting the school is used for absence or punctuality matters only.

Each text to us must contain the following information:

  • Child’s full name (first and last names) and class
  • Reason for absence e.g. high temperature/vomiting - feeling unwell is not sufficient information
  • Person sending text (name and relationship to child)
  • Expected return to school date

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to call in to the school office.


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